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Help us! Which money blogs do you love?

It’s Friday, folks! But before you head into the weekend, I’ve gathered some interesting money stories for you.

First, though, I have a favor to ask. Jim and I do our best to scour the web for interesting stories about money. In my dream world (and Jim’s dream world, I think), we’d feature more personal blogs and fewer big media sources. But there’s a problem: The traditional personal money blog seems to be fading away. (I mean, look: I retired from Get Rich Slowly earlier this year, so I’m part of the problem, right?) And those blogs that do remain are more SEO-driven than helpful.

So, I guess what I’m asking is this: If you have a favorite blog (or YouTube channel) that you think we ought to feature more often at Apex Money, let us know. If you’re reading this by email, just hit reply and let us know your favorite sources. If you’re reading on the website, leave a comment. (Comments are usually closed. They’re open for this post.)

Help us broaden our horizons!

Okay, with that out of the way, here are the links we’ve gathered for you today:

The stuff you buy is getting worse. [Vox] — “I hate to say that the onus is on us, but in many ways it is. Corporations aren’t going to do this work for us, or without us. Consumers need to be able to identify quality, learn to take care of what they own, and advocate for regulations and legislation wherever right-to-repair doesn’t yet exist. Buy less or secondhand, and when you do buy something new — it happens! — make sure to do your research.” [I may have linked to this before. That’s okay. It’s worth reading again. It reinforces my recent drive to buy ONLY quality.]

Unlock your home’s potential with the magic of margin. [Becoming Minimalist] — “No matter what space you’re working on, the key is to declutter first and organize second. It’s the margin in these spaces that has the most impact, especially when it comes to staying organized. Because when you reduce the volume, spaces have a way of organizing themselves.”

How to stick to long-term changes. [Zen Habits] — “It’s hard to stick to long-term changes when you don’t get very immediate results. Seeing progress quickly can be very encouraging — so how do we find encouragement when we don’t see that quick progress?…Let’s look at some of the things I’ve found helpful in sticking to long-term changes when we aren’t getting immediate results.”

That, my friends, is all we have for you this week. Jim will be back on Monday. I’ll see you in ten days. Have fun!


  1. https://strongmoneyaustralia is an excellent blog. He was able to retire at the age of 30 with no tertiary qualifications – hell, he didn’t even finish secondary school – and he writes about the WHYS of financial independence, as well as the HOWS.

    Yikes! I see what you mean about this blog space shrinking. I went back to my Feedly links to see how many others I could write about, and most of them don’t post anymore… It was a bit of a shock, actually. I didn’t realise how many had quietly slipped away.

    There’s always my blog… Definitely not numbers and maths, but I write about life post-retirement. The issue I’m wrestling with is whether to stop the casual work I’ve been picking up. Ay $400/day just over 6 hours work, it’s hard to say no when they offer it.

  2. I have enjoyed a few Canadian ones lately. I think the ones relevant to a broader audience are:

    I absolutely adore the videos from this amazing couple who immigrated to Canada from the UK and managed to retire a wee bit early to travel. I think their biggest video is on how to retire with only $300000

    I also love stuff from The Idler (although it’s more of a magazine), and (a blog/magazine that is back after a hiatus). But that is more retirement related.

    Adjacent, but still relevant: I really enjoy Katherine May’s content on living. Her books are for anyone who is struggling to live in a chaotic world

  3. J

    Money Flamingo!

    Her content is excellent. She doesn’t blog as much as she used to but the articles are always worth reading.

    BTW, I credit this blog for getting off the treadmill and changing my mindset for the better. Would love to see some of the content featured on Apex!

  4. I find a lot of thoughtful value at this “insights” page of a financial planner. I don’t know if that counts. Skews heavily military but some articles are relevant to everyone. (It also renders horribly for me, but maybe you’ll have a better experience.)

    Thanks for asking!!

  5. Chris

    My most favorite blog/website about money, I am guessing you already check regularly, it is Humble Dollar. I think their writers are excellent and provide a variety of life situations now that Jonathan has added some new writers. I also like A Satisfying Retirement, and Cash Only Living. COL doesn’t update often, but I like the lists she references. ASR has been around awhile, and I like his writing style. He hits on quite a few topics that are of interest to the average retiree/near retiree. If I think of any others, I will come back and mention.

  6. We have known each other many years, but this is the first time you’ve come to me for counsel or for help. I can’t remember the last time you invited me to your house for a cup of coffee, even though my wife is godmother to your only child. But let’s be frank here. You never wanted my friendship. And you feared to be in my debt.

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