I have a lot of books on my reading list. Actually, more accurately, I have a lot of books sitting on my desk that the optimistic version of me says he will read. 🙂
Well that’s apparently a thing.
Tsundoku: The art of buying books and never reading them [BBC] – “Do you have a habit of picking up books that you never quite get around to reading? If this sounds like you, you might be unwittingly engaging in tsundoku – a Japanese term used to describe a person who owns a lot of unread literature.” Of course there is a Japanese term for this and of course it describes me.
I bet you didn’t think I could find a book heist! You are wrong! A heist of books!
Tome raiders: solving the great book heist [The Guardian] – “According to Ellis, book theft has undergone an evolution over the past 10 to 15 years. “Prior to that, the theft of manuscripts and rare books was unusual, and quite often committed by people who had access,” he says, such as librarians and academics. But every new high-profile heist raises awareness of the fact that rare books are valuable enough to be worth stealing. At some point, “People realised that these were a comparatively soft target,” Ellis says. And it was only a matter of time before organised criminals spotted an opportunity.”
The cost of retiring early: a lost career of wages [His Her Money Guide] – “Everyone always talks about the positives of early retirement. Extra time and freedom of choice with what to do with it are usually the big headline items. I know that’s why we’re fundamentally on board with the concept of early retirement! But I had a bit of a funny thought about early retirement recently: by retiring early, how much money are we missing out on?”