Happy Monday! Jim here with your personal finance gems today.
The first one is a bit of a doozy…
Accounting for the Widening Mortality Gap between American Adults with and without a BA [Brookings Papers on Economic Activity] – “We examine mortality differences between Americans adults with and without a four-year college degree over the period 1992 to 2021. Mortality patterns, in aggregate and across groups, can provide evidence on how well society is functioning, information that goes beyond aggregate measures of material wellbeing. From 1992 to 2010, both educational groups saw falling mortality, but with greater improvements for the more educated; from 2010 to 2019, mortality continued to fall for those with a BA while rising for those without; during the COVID pandemic, mortality rose for both groups, but markedly more rapidly for the less educated. In consequence, the mortality gap between the two groups expanded in all three periods, leading to an 8.5-year difference in adult life expectancy by the end of 2021.”
8.5 year difference!
Getting Rich is Good for the Environment [Trip of a Lifestyle] – “But the easiest way to get wealthy is to live a simple, frugal life, leaving you with a surplus of income every month to be invested. Incidentally, it’s also one of the best things you can do for the planet…”
The Magic Loop [Lenny’s Newsletter, written by Ethan Evans] – “The Magic Loop is a process through which any employee may systematically grow at a company. It is reliable in its results, with a simple core of five basic steps. In this post, we first present the Loop in its most straightforward model. We then follow up with variations, optimizations, and special circumstances that users will find over time.” Thanks to J. Money for finding this!