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The Art of Letting Things Slip Through The Cracks

Is it really so bad to let some things slip through the cracks?

The Art of Letting Things Slip Through The Cracks [Accidentally Retired] – “This is a reminder to me as much as anyone. You are only human. You can’t do it all. It is okay to let things slip through the cracks!”

The Munger Operating System: How to Live a Life That Really Works [Farnam Street] – “It’s such a simple idea. It’s the golden rule so to speak: You want to deliver to the world what you would buy if you were on the other end. There is no ethos, in my opinion, that is better for any lawyer or any other person to have. By and large the people who have this ethos win in life and they don’t win just money, not just honors. They win the respect, the deserved trust of the people they deal with, and there is huge pleasure in life to be obtained from getting deserved trust.”

aHere’s a good (short) explanation for Why buying a house in the US is so hard right now by Vox.

Also, this has nothing to do with money but WOW THIS LOOKS INCREDIBLE