Good morning, everyone.
Today, let’s lead with our video. But I hope you have an hour to kill. Because when I was your age, television was called books. And this is the star-studded home movie version of “The Princess Bride”. (Seriously. Star-studded. There may be more celebrities in this than any movie ever made. I’m not kidding.)
So so fun. I love it.
And I love these articles about personal finance.
How to become a frugalvore. [Surviving and Thriving] — “Frugalvorism both simplifies and complicates your approach to eating. On the one hand, it’s easier to shop because you plan menus around that week’s most affordable foodstuffs. However, if you’re the kind of person who always shopped by grabbing whatever looked good, then you’ll need to rethink your supermarket habits. Fortunately, it’s fairly simple. Not always easy, but simple.”
The paradox of abundance. [David Perell] — “Abundance is a paradox. Environments of abundance are bad for the median consumer but extremely good for a small number of conscious ones. Average consumers are doomed to the tyranny of instinct. Meanwhile, consumers at the top are propelled by unlimited access to nutritious food and information.” This is a great article.
“Can I afford it?” isn’t always the best financial filter. [Becoming Minimalist] — “This post isn’t contending that we never make any purchase. That would be foolish. To live is to consume and many of the purchases we make do bring value to our lives. This list of better filters isn’t meant to deter anyone from ever spending money again. It’s simply designed to help all of us make better choices.”
Okay, now that you’ve had your fill of personal finance for today, I give you permission to return to that Princess Bride video. You may return to quoting lines along with your favorite stars. 😉