One size fits all advice doesn’t often work for everyone perfectly but a lot of advice works pretty well for most people. Save early and often is good advice. Maybe it’s “suboptimal” (based on how your income may change over your lifetime) but not having a habit of saving, and then trying to “figure it out” in middle age, is also suboptimal.
The Worst Kind of Financial Advice [A Wealth of Common Sense] – “Far too many “experts” these days profess to have the singular piece of advice that will solve all of your problems.”
Your Career Is Just One-Eighth of Your Life [The Atlantic] – “Five pieces of career advice, shaped by economics, psychology, and a little bit of existential math […] Even if, like me, you don’t quit your employer, you should constantly look to quit your job—the precise set of roles for which you are salaried—and push yourself into discomfort zones. Role-switching is important not because quitting is so wonderful, but rather because sampling from different skills and fields is helpful, provided that you’re prepared to pounce on an area that clicks for you. Explore, then exploit.”
The Queen’s Duck [Brian Wigginton] – “A feature added for no other reason than to draw management attention and be removed, thus avoiding unnecessary changes in other aspects of the product.” Hahahaha!