Our first article on the last day of the week is a great one I discovered a short time ago. It talks about the various chains in a failure and our title, The Sharp End, refers to the last failure.
At hospitals, and in the case of overdoses, the sharp end is the last touch point. The person who administered the drug that led to an overdose. The sharp end is a convenient scapegoat but the failure is the result of a chain of events. A lot of failures have to occur for the tragic one to occur. It’s an important mental model and our first post by Jesse discusses its relevance with our money:
5 Common Failures in Personal Finance [Best Interest] – “In my amateur study of fire safety, the “chain of events” is clear. There’s never a solitary reason explaining a fire death. There is always a chain of events. If any of the links on that chain were different, tragedy would have been avoided.” (these failures can apply to all areas of our life too)
With Halloween around the corner, here are some good tips for saving money:
10 Easy Ways To Save Money On Halloween [Well Kept Wallet] – “According to the National Retail Federation, Halloween spending is expected to exceed $12 billion this year. But did you know that there are easy ways to save money on Halloween? Whether you’re shopping for costumes, candy or party decor, there are things you can do to lessen the holiday’s blow to your budget.”
Never Look Down the Road Not Taken [Of Dollars And Data] – “I “knew” I should’ve bought more, but I didn’t. You probably have a story of “the investment that got away” as well. However, I’m here to tell you that this kind of thinking is a mirage. It’s pure fantasy. Because the way you think things would’ve turned out is not the way they actually would’ve turned out. How you imagine an experience is a theoretical exercise. It’s a mental simulation of your past. But, how you live through that experience in real-time tends to produce very different results.” Never ever!
Did you know that in a rainbow, some parts of it are missing? Here’s why they’re not there (in just 12 minutes and it’s really really fascinating!):