You Can’t Succeed In Life Without This Skill [Ryan Holiday] – “I’m a ‘sense of urgency’ guy. I always have been. As I was working on a draft of this article, one of my former employees sent me a short piece about the concept of “clock speed,” which in the world of computing refers to how quickly something can execute instructions. “Something you are very good at,” this former employee (and now friend) wrote. “You keep the tempo/momentum very high and if there is ever a bottleneck somewhere (decision or input), you process that as soon as physically possible. You return the ball very quickly.””
They Chose to Take a Pay Cut—and Say They’re Happier [The Wall Street Journal] – “Switching to a job with a lower salary often means trimming your expenses, but it can come with a raise in free time and work-life balance.”
How the California forest that starred as Endor in ‘Star Wars’ was obliterated [SFGATE] – “The film crew got to work. They dug up ferns and rearranged them to fit the eye of the cinematographer. Trails were built, logs repositioned and soon an area not far from Highway 101 began to take on a new, otherworldly shape. The preparation lasted months, but once the actors arrived, Perry suspected this wasn’t your typical movie.”
I’m a little sad that Endor doesn’t exist anymore… but also may exist in a lot of difference places now at the same time.