Good morning, friends, and welcome to another day of Apex Money.
Today’s first article should prove useful to me in the near future. I’m about to earn a regular income for the first time in years, so I’ll no longer qualify for subsidized health insurance. It’s time for me to dive into the healthcare marketplace!
How to choose the right healthcare plan for you. [Bitches Get Riches] — “Choosing the right healthcare plan can be intimidating, especially if you’re doing it for the first time. The stakes are high; the options are confusing; there’s often a small window during which you can make the choice before you lose your chance; and the whole thing highlights the merciless jank that is our healthcare system! Luckily, there’s an incredibly easy, 100% foolproof way to make the decision. Here’s our secret.”
Letting go of keeping up. [Reactor] — “Give yourself space. Step away from the internet. Ignore the websites that want you to rate and review art like it’s a toothbrush or a new pair of sneakers. Don’t even keep a list of books read, if you don’t want to. What we get from reading is not quantifiable, not a statistic to earn or an item to collect. It’s an experience, a process, an education, a gift.”
“37 pieces of career advice I wish I’d known earlier.” [Ryan Holiday] — “This post is about…things I wish I’d been told when I was just starting and things I still tell myself. Some of them might be exactly what you need to hear right now. Some might not apply to you yet, or ever. That’s okay. Whether you’re just starting out, looking to make a big change, or aiming to reach new heights in your current role, I hope you’ll find something here that helps you navigate your own unique path.”
Today’s non-financial video is right in my wheelhouse. It’s a twenty-minute compilation of Charles Schulz drawing Peanuts. I’ve seen some of these segments elsewhere before, but this industrious fellow has compiled a ton of them into one video. It’s awesome.
I continue to take art classes (I have three going right now!), and I’m making clear and obvious improvement. But I’m still a long way from being able to draw a comic strip, which is my ultimate goal.