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How to remember everything you read.

¡Hola, mis amgios! Welcome to Apex Money. Today, we have three interesting money-related articles for you — and one excellent video. Let’s dive in.

What are sunk costs? (And when should you ignore them?) [Women Who Money] — “In economic terms, a sunk cost is money you’ve spent, but can’t recover. Sunk costs also apply to time or other resources you spend and can’t get back. When you can recover time or money spent on something, it’s not a sunk cost. Let’s say you buy an item you don’t want. If you return it to the store or sell it for the same amount you spent, it’s not a sunk cost.”

Why everything is sold out. [The Atlantic] — “Sorting through the immense milieu of online retail has become a business unto itself, with popular websites such as Wirecutter and The Strategist offering tried-and-tested recommendations to combat the dysphoria that typing ‘bath towels’ into a search box would otherwise summon. In just a few months, the pandemic has turned the all-encompassing, carefully constructed institution of American consumerism on its head.”

New maps model possible upcoming climate migration in the United States. [Pro Publica] — “Taken with other recent research showing that the most habitable climate in North America will shift northward and the incidence of large fires will increase across the country, this suggests that the climate crisis will profoundly interrupt the way we live and farm in the United States. See how the North American places where humans have lived for thousands of years will shift and what changes are in store for your county.” [See also: How climate migration will reshape America from The New York Times.]

We end today’s edition of Apex Money with a video, as we often do. This time, it’s my pal Rob Berger sharing advice on how to remember everything you read.

This is longer tham most videos we share (22 minutes), but I found it useful. You may too. (By the way, Rob is one of the smartest and nicest guys I know.)

Okay, that’s it for today. I’ll be back tomorrow to see you into the weekend.