Good morning, money bosses! It’s Thursday, and that means we have more excellent money stories from around the web. Let’s start with a podcast.
How to determine your family money values. [Smart Money Mamas podcast] — “The practice of defining your family money values is an incredible way to start or improve money conversations with your loved ones…When your family has a shared value system and money narrative, everyone knows what’s important and how financial decisions are made, and that gives you all focus as your work toward your family’s financial goals.”
What is your money story? (And how can it affect your finances?) [Women Who Money] — “Your money story might be buried deep in your past, but it can affect your finances today and in the future. It’s worthwhile to explore the experiences and feelings of your personal history and see how they affect your finances today.”
Women ask for raises as often as men, but are less likely to get them. [Harvard Business Review] — “Even we were surprised by the results. We had expected to find less asking by the females. Instead, we found that, holding background factors constant, women ask for a raise just as often as men, but men are more likely to be successful. Women who asked obtained a raise 15% of the time, while men obtained a pay increase 20% of the time. While that may sound like a modest difference, over a lifetime it really adds up.”
Lastly, here’s a 48-minute video that I loved more than I ought to have. It’s 48 minutes of Muzak used for United Airlines flights during the 1960s.
I hated Muzak when I was younger. I thought it was awful. Now that it no longer exists, though, it’s a memory trigger. I hear this stuff and am transported to the department stores or airports or musty museums that I experienced when I was a child.
Okay, that’s all for Thursday. I’ll be back tomorrow to see you into the weekend. Until then, take care!