Welcome to Wednesday, money nerds, and welcome to another edition of Apex Money. As always, we’ve collected some money news worth reading to share with you. Ready? Let’s go!
Secrets of a successful, strategic, and short job search. [Bitches Get Riches] — “A successful job search means treating the search like it’s literally your job, like you’re getting paid to do it. Yes, being temporarily unemployed is a great time to relax a bit and catch up on important shit like house work, your mental and physical health…But once you’ve recharged your metaphorical batteries, you need to buckle down and get organized to have a prayer of being hired.”
Things to remember once you decide to take charge of your financial life. [The Simple Dollar] — “The truth about turning around your financial life is that it gets easier as you go. At first, it feels like the changes are endless and very difficult, but as time passes, not only do the changes feel easier, the impact of those changes begins to multiply.”
Earning more is not cheating. [The Escape Artist] — “I’m here to tell you that earning more money is not impossible…nor illegal…nor unethical. I’d go as far as saying that earning more is A Good Thing. The time it takes to get to financial independence depends on your savings rate. And, let’s be honest, its easier to save 50+% of your income when you’re on a higher income.” This is such an important point. It baffles me that there are people who feel guilt over their high incomes. [See also the second part in this series.]
Myths (and truths) of the 17th century tulip craze. [Smithsonian Magazine] — “For decades, economists have pointed to 17th-century tulipmania as a warning about the perils of the free market. Writers and historians have reveled in the absurdity of the event. The incident even provides the backdrop for the new film Tulip Fever, based on a novel of the same name by Deborah Moggach. The only problem: none of these stories are true.”
Our last item today is something completely different. From the blog of film director Steven Soderbergh, here’s a look at how “staging” affects a film. Soderbergh has taken Raiders of the Lost Ark and stripped it of color and sound. He wants us, the audience, to watch this stripped-down version to analyze why Steven Spielberg made the choices he made.
Anyhow, I didn’t watch the whole thing (it’s two hours long!) but I did watch a few minutes. It was fascinating. (Also: Raiders looks amazing in black and white!)
That’s it for Hump Day, my friends. I’ll see you again tomorrow.