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Your to-do list is too long.

Welcome to Wednesday, Apexians. We’ve got some great stuff for you today.

Your to-do list is too long. [Harvard Business Review] — “The one-thing list reflects a strategic and intentional choice about what you will do next and continue to focus on until it’s done. It might feel silly, but writing that one thing down on its own list is the key. It makes it a commitment that you are far more likely to follow through on.” I love this!

Why efficiency is dangerous and how slowing down makes life better. [Psyche] — “When making decisions, instead of asking ourselves which option will give us the best results, we should be asking which option will give us good-enough results under the widest range of future states of the world.”

Surround yourself with inspiration. [Modest Millionaires] — “The more you surround yourself with inspiration, the more opportunity you find to make progress with your goals and stay accountable. Inspiration can come in many forms. Essentially it represents examples highlighting how others have accomplished goals you want to achieve or surrounding yourself with people, who, in your eyes, behave in inspiring ways.”

How to learn everything: The Masterclass diaries. [Longreads] — What have you done during the global pandemic? Professor Irina Dumitrescu binged Masterclass courses. Here’s what she learned.

Related: masterWiki –> “We stole MasterClass’ content and turned it into wikiHow articles.”


To finish up today, here’s a one-minute clip in which Jerry Seinfeld explains to David Letterman how our present selves always seem to be sabotaging our future selves.

I do this ALL OF THE TIME. One of my greatest challenges in life is learning how today’s J.D. can be kind to tomorrow’s J.D…

Speaking of tomorrow’s J.D…he’ll be back on Thursday with more great stories about personal finance. Future You should join him! 😉