Welcome to Wednesday, money nerds! We’re back with more top money stories from around the web. Today’s letter is W, and today’s theme is women.
First up, here’s a little data visualization from /r/dataisbeautiful on Reddit. It graphs the occupational distribution of men and women in the labor force (according to U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics info). Nothing deep here. Just fun with numbers.
And our first actual story is semi-related.
Gendered division of labor served a purpose. To make progress, don’t erase it. Replace it. [Behavioral Scientist] — “Although women have made significant strides toward gender equity in the workplace, this does not always translate to gender equity in the household. Studies have found that women often shoulder an extra burden at home, even women who work as much outside the home as their husbands do.”
How women are changing the FIRE community — and the world. [The Wealthy Accountant] — “I don’t want to get bogged down on the inequities women have faced and instead want to focus on their contribution. Celebrating the incredible work women have done (and are doing) is certain to benefit women more than complaining. We can’t change the past, but we can do something about the here and now.”
Are you sacrificing too much for your kids? [Chief Mom Officer] — “That advice they give you on airplanes – to put on your own oxygen mask before helping your kids – applies here. Once your kids have their basic needs fulfilled, you need to make sure that you’re not fulfilling their wants at the expense of your own financial future.”
Last but not least, here’s a video that’s better than it ought to be. It’s three Russian young women performing a cover of the Red Hot Chili Peppers’ “Can’t Stop” in their kitchen. On a trombone and ukelele. No joke…this is awesome!
That’s it for today. See you again tomorrow, money nerds. And remember: If there’s something you think we should share, send it in!