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Why Perfectionism Ruins Portfolios

Happy Monday! Jim here with your gems of the day:

Why Perfectionism Ruins Portfolios [eversight wealth] – “Investing success is not about finding the perfect portfolio. Meb Faber revealed that even if someone could have predicted the top performing strategies in advance, paying high fees would have transformed the best into the worst. Investors cannot predict which portfolio is optimal for an unknowable future. But you can reduce fees to ensure you capture a larger share of future returns.”

A Million Choices [Steve Adcock] – “The best-made plans are over dinner and margaritas, right??? But here’s the magic in what happened that night. As we chatted, I never had to think about if my boss will let me go. Or if I have enough vacation hours left. Or whether I should bring my laptop in case of a work emergency.”

Two surprising reasons behind the obesity epidemic: Too much salt, not enough water [The Conversation] – “Throughout my many years of studying obesity and related health conditions, I’ve observed that relatively little is said about two significant pieces of this very complex puzzle: lack of hydration and excessive salt intake. Both are known to contribute to obesity.”