Welcome to Monday, my friends. I hope you had a productive and/or entertaining weekend. I opted for the former. I managed to finish half my fence project, and I spent several hours on my Get Rich Slowly “de-design”. It’s 95% complete!
Today, though, I’ve been reading about money, and I’ve found a few pieces to share with you. To kick things, here’s a piece I really enjoyed from my partner here at Apex, Jim Wang:
Don’t chase more. To win at money, accomplish goals. [Wallet Hacks] — “Today, I want to share an idea that took me a very long time to learn – to win at money, you don’t need more. You simply need to identify and reach your goals. And it’s usually not about getting more money. In fact, many of the most important things in life cannot be bought. They have to be earned.”
The simplest reason renting will save you money. [The Military Finance Coach] — “When you rent, you never pay more than your rent each month. When you buy a house, you never pay less than your mortgage each month.”
Why are there weeks in which decades happen? [Taylor Pearson] — “As with a crumbling sand pile, it would be unintelligent to attribute the collapse of a fragile bridge to the last truck that crossed it and even more foolish to try to predict in advance which truck might bring it down. Yet this is basically the entire business model of ad-based media businesses. Turn on any cable news channel of your choice and you will always find people yelling about their preferred grain of sand.”
“Does anyone ever really feel ‘grown up’? I asked older people to find out.” [The Guardian] — “I confess, I thought all older people must be fully cooked adults by default. I fell into the trap of assuming that, if you’ve grown old, you’ve grown up. It’s comforting to believe questions of being an adult, of what even is an adult, have been answered by someone who draws a pension.” [I love this line of inquiry…See also: What they don’t tell you about being an adult.]
That’s all I have to start the week. Now, it’s time for me to get back to my two projects: the website and the fence. I want to work on the website, but I know that it’s much more important ofr me to finish the fence. sigh I guess I’ll go grab my hammer…