Today is Tuesday, Apexians, and this is J.D. Roth. I’m here to share another batch of recent articles I’ve found interesting.
The road to retirement. [Humble Dollar] — “Although I now have a financially comfortable retirement, I also have regrets. I wish I had traveled more earlier in life rather than waiting to do most of it when I retired. Instead of accumulating more wealth than I needed, I should’ve invested some of that money in a trip to Europe, Asia or even Australia. It doesn’t seem right that a 70-year-old man, who loves to travel, has been out of the country just twice.”
Why libertarians love Bitcoin (and why they shouldn’t). [David Rosenthal] — “Cryptocurrencies’ roots lie deep in the libertarian culture of Silicon Valley and the cypherpunks. Libertarianism’s attraction is based on ignoring externalities, and cryptocurrencies are no exception.”
On building resilience. [Prime Cuts Newsletter] — “Life is difficult and we all get kicked in the face occasionally. We get injured, we lose loved ones, we suffer illnesses, we overindulge etc. It’s how we bounce back that matters…Resilience is an underrated superpower and it is something we can develop.”
Our final feature today isn’t about personal finance. It’s about the news media and why it sucks. I’m a long-time vocal critic of the mainstream media because I believe it fails at its stated objective. It doesn’t provide a clear, accurate portrayal of current events. Most outlets are in it for the money. As a result, they do whatever generates money for them, whether it involves news or truth or anything resembling reality. (This is true for both sides of the political fence.)
Anyhow, here’s the article…
Rest in pieces, Legacy Media. [Young Money by Jack Raines] — “Here’s a thought experiment: what was the last positive story that you heard on a mainstream media site? Actually, that bar is too high. What was the last interesting story that didn’t double as a hit piece against someone else? Can’t think of anything? Neither can I.”
Here’s something interesting I’ve noticed. If you talk with people who have traveled extensively across the United States, they invariably report that people tend to be kind, interesting, and fun. They’re nothing like you see on the news.
For too long, too many of us have seen the world around us through the lens of others: the television news, online sources, etc. Why are we so eager and willing to trust these sources instead of what we experience in real life?
Okay, enough grousing. 🙂 I’ll see you tomorrow with more stories about money and self-improvement.