Good m-o-r-n-i-n-g, money nerds! It’s the nineteenth, and the nineteenth is always awesome. (All prime-number days are good in my world. Yet another reason I’m a nerd.) Today is especially good because I have some excellent money stories to share with you. Let’s get right to it.
Building wealth through experimentation. [Mr. Tako Escapes] — “Normally, wasting money is a bad thing. Waste should generally be avoided if you want to reach FI. But experimentation (aka purposeful waste) can lead to breakthroughs in optimization that I normally wouldn’t have found without experimenting. Today’s post is an argument that wasting a little money in the name of continuous experimentation, can be a very good thing.”
How to find real-life side hustles that aren’t a waste of time. [The Luxe Strategist] — “Maybe you want to engage your entrepreneurial side. Or maybe you’ve maxed out your salary at your job, and want more money to throw at your debt. Or like me, you just want to buy fancy stuff without wrecking the rest of your money. Whatever the reason, side hustling can help make serious headway on your financial goals…I’m going to show you how to think about finding side hustle ideas that work uniquely for you. The best side hustles are the ones that don’t feel like work at all. And that’s going to be different for everyone.”
“Why I declutter my home via Craigslist.” [Curbed] —”Each time I give away a trash bag full of plastic hangers, or a chunky black bracelet I haven’t worn in 10 years, I breathe a little easier. I feel less stressed and more at peace. I feel happier in my home. I feel, I imagine, just like the teary-eyed stars of Kondo’s Netflix show — except I generated these feelings solo, with nary a high-definition camera in sight.”
The story of us. [Wait But Why] — “When I told people I was planning to write a post about society, and the way people are acting, and the way the media is acting, and the way the government is acting, and the way everyone else is acting, people kept saying the same thing to me. Don’t do it. Don’t touch it. Write about something else. Anything else. It’s just not worth it.” After three years of silence, my favorite blog is back with a new series of articles about how American society reached its current level of contentiousness. I’m enjoying the analysis.
And now for something completely different. Here’s a sweet, sweet video of two strangers singing a song (one that I’ve never heard before) in the aisles of a grocery store. Can’t tell if these two are strangers, but I think they are. In any event, I love this.
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