Our first post is a great one about how we think about risk all wrong and Tanja is completely right. A scary story about Mark illustrates the point perfectly.
Also, her book Wallet Activism comes out in three weeks. Read the origin story of the book (some pre-order bonuses too) and consider getting the book.
We Think About Risk All Wrong // How Riding a Bike Almost Ruined Everything [Our Next Life] – “One day back in July, Mark was riding his mountain bike on the Tahoe Rim Trail, something he loves to do, in an area he’d ridden plenty of times before. Every year, all summer long, and as much of the spring and autumn as possible, Mark is on that bike. And given who he is, he’s both adventurous and careful, always looking to improve his technique and fitness so he can ride more and more challenging terrain, but do it safely. That’s let him reach an expert level without taking careless risks. He’d just gotten through a techy (meaning technical, or rocky) section and relaxed a bit when he felt his wheels wash out. Though he didn’t go over the handlebars or hit his head, he landed hard on his left side ribs right on top of a jagged spur of granite.”
Extreme couponers were sent to prison in $31.8 million fraud scheme [CNN] – “The FBI is revealing new details about a $31.8 million counterfeit coupon scheme that landed a Virginia Beach couple in prison for nearly 20 years, combined. In a press release last week, the agency said that investigators found fake coupons in “every crevice” of the house belonging to Lori Ann Talens and her husband, Pacifico Talens, Jr.. The falsified savings were worth more than $1 million. They also found designs for coupons for more than 13,000 products on Lori Ann Talens’ computer.” Wow!
10 Odd Status Symbols Throughout Time [Saving Advice] – “Crakows were a type of shoe that became popular in the 15th century in Europe. They were incredibly impractical, featuring long, extended toes that went anywhere from a couple of inches to 20 inches or more past the end of a person’s foot. The long toe was simply a fashion statement, though some associated longer lengths as a sign of the increased “masculinity” for the wearer.”
And to help you into the weekend, ever wonder how cast iron pans are made? (via Kottke.org)
Have a great weekend!