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Two ways to play the game of life.

Good morning, money nerds! It’s Monday, and that means new money stories fresh from the word mines. Here’s what Jim and I have found for you recently.

To start, let’s talk about current events. We don’t delve into the mainstream news cycle often here at Apex Money (and for a variety of good reasons), but today we’re going to make an exception. The Coronavirus has begun to infect U.S. communities. (Here in Oregon, the first cases appeared in a school just a few miles from me!) Our first story today is all about the facts regarding COVID-19.

The WHO sent 25 international experts to China. Here are their findings on the coronavirus. [/r/China_Flu/ on Reddit] — “The WHO has sent a team of international experts to China to investigate the situation, including Clifford Lane, Clinical Director at the US National Institutes of Health. Here is the press conference on Youtube and the final report of the commission as PDF after they visited Beijing, Wuhan, Shenzhen, Guangzhou and Chengdu. Here are some interesting facts about Covid that I have not yet read in the media.”

Two ways to play the game of life. [Farnam Street] — “How you play the game of life will define the learning you pursue. Finite players need training. Infinite players need education. Why? According to Carse, ‘to be prepared against surprise is to be trained. To be prepared for surprise is to be educated.’ If you play life as a finite game, you train for the rules. If life is instead an infinite game, you focus on being educated to adapt to unknowns.” This is a new concept to me, and I love it.

“I used to love cars. Here’s what drove me away. [Wired] — “How did I evolve from a person who looked for every excuse to get behind the wheel to a person who mostly avoids driving? What happened? Over two decades, I can point to six experiences that corroded my love affair with cars.”

Seven benefits to living in a smaller home. [Modern Simplicity] — “We left our big McMansion behind in Texas last year to move to small-town Oklahoma and downsize into a much smaller house. We’ve found there are many benefits to living in a smaller home. Today, I want to share a few of those with you.”

Our final item today is also about living in a smaller home. Here’s a four-minute video tour of a 200-square-foot house in the heart of Tokyo. This Japanese couple could only afford to buy a small plot of land on which to build. They decided to make the most of it.

That’s it for today, money nerds. We’ll be back tomorrow with more great stories from around the web.