No long preamble today, and no frivolous video. All I have for you this Wednesday is five juicy links…
The trouble with the FIRE movement. [The Rational Walk] — “I broadly agree with the goals of the FIRE movement when it comes to Financial Independence. But I do think that the community has certain blind spots when it comes to Retire Early. Hopefully this article does a better job of explaining where I think the FIRE movement falls short and potentially help some people think about what their early retirement goals are really all about.”
We really don’t know what drives inflation. [Klement on Investing] — “Even over 147 years and incorporating the distortions from international relationships between 17 large economies around the globe there is no stable relationship between money supply and inflation, nor between inflation and long-term interest rates.”
A stranger on an airplane gave her $100 years ago and changed her life. Now she’s trying to find the mystery woman. [CNN Travel] — “Zugay says she was a nearly 12-year-old refugee fleeing the former Yugoslavia with her older sister when a stranger handed them the envelope on a flight to the United States in 1999. The woman made them promise not to open it until they got off the plane. The girls were later shocked to discover dangly earrings and a $100 bill inside.”
What life was like in early cities. [Aeon] — “While past kings, priests and other leaders are part of the story, it is clear that in the past, as today, generative processes – the actions and interactions of people in cities – were the driving forces in the expansion and success of cities.” This article is a bit heady, but I found it fascinating.
Travel is best with young children. [Derek Sivers] — “‘Once you have a baby, you can’t travel.’ I’ve heard this so many times, although only from people who haven’t done it. But I took my baby to nine countries before he was one year old. Then another ten countries by the time he was eight. So I can tell you from experience that it’s not only easy but great.”
There you go. Fresh, ripe links full of delicious information. I hope you enjoyed those articles as much as I did. I’ll be back with more great stuff tomorrow. Won’t you join me?