Today’s post has a theme! It’s about the transition from work to FIRE (financial independence retire early) and some of the posts have inspired the others, which is always the fun thing about blogging.
Bloggers read each other’s blogs and sometimes you get a spring of ideas that combine together to form a geyser.
Today is one of those geysers – please enjoy!
The genesis post was one we shared a short time ago – My First 6 Months of Early Retirement Sucked Shit: What They Don’t Tell You about FIRE by Bitches Get Riches.
That inspired our first post of the day – The Amazing Race [FI for the People] – “Having experienced burnout about 25 years ago, I had the benefit of knowing what it felt like. Spoiler alert: it’s not fun. In the last few years before I FIREd, those old feelings crept back. And grew. Even though my life outside work was great and my clients were satisfied with my work product, I could tell that my working life and work satisfaction level were headed in the wrong direction.”
Which in turn led to this post by Mr. 1500 Days – Live Boldly [1500 Days to Freedom] – “I worked really hard to get to FI and even when I met my goal, I worked for another year. The reason can be summed up in one word. It’s 4 letters long and starts with an F. Not that F-word; get your mind out of the gutter people. The word I’m thinking of is: Fear.”
As more FIRE bloggers share their thoughts about the transition into retirement, whether it’s making the leap itself or adjusting to life after the leap, the more people will respect that the transition is as difficult as the accumulation of assets.