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Shinise are Japanese businesses that have been around for at least a hundred years.

In our first article, Morgan Housel starts by talking about these businesses and how they all share a common characteristics – they have tons of cash and no debt.

How I Think About Debt [Collab Fund] – “I love the quote from author Kent Nerburn that, “Debt defines your future, and when your future is defined, hope begins to die.” Not only does hope begin to die, but the number of outcomes you can endure does, too.” I think about debt in a similar way.

It Will Never Be a Good Time to Buy a House [The Atlantic] – “It’s a terrible time to buy a house. But that news, bad as it is, seems to convey some promise: Someday, things will change and it will once again be a good moment to buy. You just have to wait. I’m sorry to tell you that the bad news is even worse than it sounds. It’s not going to be a good time to buy a house for a really long time. How long? I put that question to a few housing economists and real-estate experts. Their response? Who knows. A decade. “Maybe in 2030, we would start to see some relief,” Daryl Fairweather, the chief economist of Redfin, told me, before noting that 2030 was so far in the future that she could not make any kind of informed prediction.”

7 ways to stop worrying about things you can’t control [Country Living] – “Worrying about things beyond your control can be a common source of stress and anxiety. Most people worry sometimes, but if it’s affecting your life dramatically there are things you can try that may help.”