Wow! It’s Wednesday already, money nerds. Can you believe it? Today at Apex Money, we have some top stories about retirement (and cultural relativism).
Playing offense in retirement. [Can I Retire Yet?] — “These seemingly contradictory pieces of advice have the same solution: Don’t limit your view of retirement. Continue to play some offense. Never stop growing and learning. Consider fun and interesting ways to earn some ongoing income. Give yourself options. Life is more fun when you’re playing to win, rather than trying not to lose.”
Ten charts about retirement that everyone should see. [Retirement Field Guide] — “As a Retirement Planner, I eagerly await the release of J.P. Morgan’s Guide to Retirement. It is essentially a booklet of slides filled with a ton of great information impacting retirees…I’ve selected 10 charts that I think everyone transitioning into retirement should see with a little commentary on each.”
Early retirees tend to be less happy (and other research results about happiness). [CNBC] — “Over a period of more than two years, I studied hundreds of academic studies, interviewed psychologists, sociologists, and happiness researchers about what brings a person joy…Happiness is far from a simple concept. It can refer to a wide range of moods, emotions, sensations, and traits — each with benefits and drawbacks. Here are some of the most interesting tips.”
This last link isn’t strictly financial, but it’s fascinating…
Why do Chinese people like their government? [SupChina] — “Why do so many people feel that the Chinese can’t possibly be OK with their government or society? It seems that many in West deem the current Chinese government/society as wrong and that any ‘right-thinking’ person would agree and join in the fight.” [See also: Change my view: Some cultures and societies are objectively wrong.]
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