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Life is not a game

Our first post for today is from JD’s site, Get Rich Slowly, but it is NOT written by JD!

It’s written by Michael Laurence and it shares an important message.

Life is not a game [Michael Laurence on Get Rich Slowly] – “Comparing yourself to others has no good outcome. Either you look around and consider yourself inferior to your peers (which makes you insecure and unhappy), or you deem yourself superior (which makes you arrogant and egotistical). Neither is conducive to happiness or to being a good person.”

Why Early Retirement Isn’t Just About Escaping a Sh*tty Job [Route to Retire] – “However, the part that frustrates me is that your job doesn’t necessarily define what you need out of life. In many cases, more time is what you’re after. And, in order to gain that extra time, early retirement very well might be the right answer for many folks.”

This next piece isn’t about money, per se, but about disruption. It’s a fascinating piece and I hope you enjoy it! [Aeon] – “On 3 April 1917, a crowd gathered to meet a train arriving from Helsinki at Petrograd’s Finland Station. The train carried Vladimir Ilyich Lenin. He greeted his audience with a speech calling for the overthrow of Russia’s government – and, six months later, he made this happen. The world changed.”