Ciao, money nerds! It’s Tuesday, and today we have the usual batch of top money stories from the information superhighway. Plus, we have an actual useful personality quiz. How fun is that?
On the media obsession with “financial pornography”. [Of Dollars and Data] — “Financial pornography is the normalization of exceptional financial circumstances in order to gain attention. Financial pornography takes the outliers of the personal finance/investing world and makes them seem ordinary for the purpose of attracting more eyeballs. Just like real pornography tries to make specific sexual fantasies seem more common than they are, financial pornography tries to make specific financial outcomes seem more common than they are.” Preach! This is one of my pet peeves with mainstream media coverage of money topics. [See also: Apps like NextDoor create the illusion that crime is rising when it’s actually falling.]
The laws of investing. [Collaborative Fund] — “What’s an investing law? There’s no definition, so I’ve taken some liberties here. I try to limit them to forces that influence all types of investments, in all sectors, in all countries, throughout all of history, with few exceptions, and some explanation for why it will continue indefinitely.” This is an excellent piece and well worth reading.
How you do anything is how you do everything. [Ryan Holiday] — “Wherever we are, whatever we’re doing, and wherever we are going, we owe it to ourselves, to our art, to the world to do it well. That’s our primary duty. And our obligation. When action is our priority, vanity falls away.”
Most personality quizzes are junk science. This one isn’t. [Five Thirty Eight] — “What’s your personality, and what can it tell you about your true self? Those questions have launched a thousand online personality quizzes. But you can do better than those specious — yet irresistible — quizzes. You can take a personality quiz backed by science.”
As a guy with a psychology degree, you can imagine how much I liked this quiz. I liked it so much that I’m going to bore you with my results.
I’m an agreeable guy who is open to new experiences. Okay, I agree with that. But I also score high in “negative emotionality”. But only parts of that dimension. (I max out on depression, score high on anxiety, but don’t have much emotional volatility. In other words, I’m hard on myself but not on others.)
What is your personality like?
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