No… but with the recent market volatility, it’s a question some people are asking.
We are living in interesting, and scary, times. And one of the more fascinating things I’ve seen is how quickly some people are, in the most blatant act of schadenfreude you can imagine, in asking how the early retirees (FIRE crowd) are doing.
We haven’t even hit peak Coronavirus… and people were piling on.
Recession, Coronavirus and the Future of FIRE [Our Next Life] – “For anyone who’s been paying attention, the biggest lesson that 2008 taught us is that relying on your job for financial security is dangerous. Many of us who’ve pursued or achieved early retirement were spurred directly by the Great Recession, and the realization that there truly is no safety net anymore. The idea that this recession, with the massive job losses we’re already seeing and the many more to come, will make anyone want to be more reliant on work is simply foolish. Yes, a work-optional life will be harder to achieve for a while. Your journey may have just lengthened considerably. But this financial crisis will not be the end of the FIRE movement.”
If you’ve had just a passing interest in early retirement, you have to read that post.
This next story is about a bank robbery but it highlights an important fact – safe deposit boxes are not insured. They are not FDIC insured and the bank usually doesn’t insure it either.
The Great Buenos Aires Bank Heist [GQ] – “They were an all-star crew. They cooked up the perfect plan. And when they pulled off the caper of the century, it made them more than a fortune—it made them folk heroes.” This heist was as elaborate as it was ingenious. Just when you think you’ve reached peak cleverness, it keeps going. (the fact that you know their names throughout the story gives you a hint of how it went, but it’s still fun!)
And ever notice that bank robbers always ask for pizza? In movies, in real life, all the same – everyone loves pizza. And with that in mind, here’s a history of pizza!
A History of Pizza [History Today] – “The world’s most popular fast food has ancient roots, but it was a royal seal of approval that set it on the path to global domination.” (and a favorite of bank robbers everywhere!)
Stay safe this week!