It’s everywhere. You can’t escape it. You might as well learn to deal with it… so with that, I give you this actionable post to start the daily collection:
Ten Ways I Fight Inflation – And You Can Too [Chief Mom Officer] – “Inflation is back, baby! The last time inflation was this bad, I was literally a toddler. Now, I don’t have specific memories of that time . And if I did, they would likely be of Sesame Street and not monetary policy. But I do have stories I remember my parents telling me. They talked about 13% mortgages and CD’s (certificates of deposit) that paid 10%. I remember my passbook savings account back then used to earn decent interest. Back when I first bought I – bonds (inflation protected savings bonds – more about them later) in the early to mid 2000’s that they paid more than nothing. So I’m not a total stranger to inflation, and I remember early in my personal finance nerd journey, often reading about strategies to fight inflation. Although like many people, it hasn’t been this bad in my adult lifetime.” Some good reminders in there.
Finding Your ‘Why’ for Your Desired Financial Behavior [The White Coat Investor] – “Knowing what you are supposed to do usually isn’t enough to create lasting change. People usually don’t drastically change their diet or lifestyle based on a simple recommendation from a physician or other professional. Instead, they find the reason they want to change inside themselves. To effectively change financial behavior, each individual needs to dig deep and find their “why.” Finding a reason to change helps you remember motivation when hard decisions come and when you need to sacrifice for your priorities.”
How Do Financial Market Outcomes Affect Gambling? [SSRN] – ” Using corporate bond spreads as a proxy for business cycles, we find that in addition to financial market outcomes, price of wagering, incomes, and availability of competing betting products are important drivers of gambling. We also find, ceteris paribus, that gambling rises during recessions.” FYI, ceteris paribus is Latin for, essentially, “all other things being equal.”