Well well well, if it isn’t Friday!
Lifting weights is something I only discovered in college, forgot for a few years when I started working, and then picked back up again. Everyone should be doing resistance training, especially as you get older to combat loss of muscle mass and bone density, but the meditative aspects of it are important as well.
In Defense of Craft [The Growth Equation] – “Whether it’s stacking wood, lifting weights, running a mile, drawing a picture, recording a song, or writing an essay, I’ve come to believe strongly that there is something nourishing and gratifying about doing work where there is nothing and then there is something—and you are the only thing between the two.”
How Much is Enough of a Good Thing [The Financial Bodyguard] – “Most of us can think back to our childhoods and remember a time when we ate too much ice cream or sweets that turned the moment from feeling wonderful to feeling sick. In the investment world, the invention of the index fund (i.e. a fund that closely tracks a defined market index) was a moment when investors were handed a big bowl of index-flavoured ice cream. It is amusing to know that some in the US even declared index funds as ‘un-American’ as they were not trying to beat the market!”
Good conversations have lots of doorknobs [Experimental History] – “Givers think that conversations unfold as a series of invitations; takers think conversations unfold as a series of declarations. When giver meets giver or taker meets taker, all is well. When giver meets taker, however, giver gives, taker takes, and giver gets resentful (“Why won’t he ask me a single question?”) while taker has a lovely time (“She must really think I’m interesting!”) or gets annoyed (“My job is so boring, why does she keep asking me about it?”).”
Have a great weekend!