I really liked the title of this story from the HARVARD Business Review. 🙂
If You’re So Successful, Why Are You Still Working 70 Hours a Week? [Harvard Business Review] = “In the old days, if you were a white-collar worker, the deal was that you worked as hard as you could at the start of your career to earn the right to be rewarded later on, with security of tenure and a series of increasingly senior positions. This is no longer true. Today, many senior leaders work longer and harder than ever. At the heart of it is insecurity, and indeed, elite professional organizations deliberately set out to identify and recruit “insecure overachievers.” Insecure overachievers are exceptionally capable and fiercely ambitious, yet are driven by a profound sense of their own inadequacy. If this sounds familiar, you should try to work exceptionally long hours when you need to or want to — but do it consciously, for specified time periods, and to achieve specific goals. Don’t let it become a habit because you have forgotten how to work or live any other way.”
Hiding in the Doing [My Quiet FI] – “I was the god of my days. It was up to me to dictate. And back then, I distinctly remember how I always needed to be doing things to justify what an amazing life I was living. But how much this was for me, rather than external validation, is much trickier to understand. The older I get, the more years I have lived and the broader my experiences and self-reflections have become, the less I can lie to myself.”
Speaking of hiding, I always like these funny “where do you hide money in your house” stories.
15 Secret Places to Hide Money Around Your Home [Well Kept Wallet] – “Here is a list of some of the best places to hide money around the house. Some of the hiding spots are free while others are products that you can purchase that blend into any houses decor.” Some fun ones on this list!
I’ll give you a hint about where we hide cash in our house… we don’t!