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How to win at investing.

Welcome to autumn, my money nerds! At precisely 12:50 a.m. Pacific Daylight Time this morning, our sun passed the autumnal equinox. Good-bye, summer. Hello, fall. Have no fear, though. Jim and I are still here, still finding top money stories from around the web to share with you. Stories like these, in fact…

How to win at investing

The importance of an abundance mindset (and how you can adopt one). [Women Who Money] — “While taking control sounds easy enough to do, it’s harder for some than others. And that’s where scarcity and abundance mindsets come into play. These mindsets can play a significant role in how you make decisions, how you spend, save, and invest your money, and how you go about living each day. Let’s take a closer look at the principle of scarcity and abundance.”

Inside the “Cup Noodle” industrial complex. [Taste] — “Nissin Foods introduced just-add-water instant noodles in a cup to a tepid reception in 1971. In a country where fresh noodles in hot broth were already ubiquitous, cheap, and fast, Cup Noodle (pluralized as “Cup Noodles” only in the American market) were at first a hard sell. The tipping point came a year later, according to a story that’s well known in Japan…”

We return again and again to the “greatest hits” of personal finance because they work. [Above the Market] — “In the worlds of investing and personal finance, it’s easy to focus on the controversial, the difficult, and the arcane. But we should take great care to keep showing fealty to our greatest hits – the tried and true principles that we can and should all agree on and return to routinely.”

Here’s one final piece to start your week on a positive note. Remember: It’s not always about the money.

It's not always about the money.

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