It’s Thursday, my friends, and this is Apex money, your home for great personal-finance stories from around the web. Here’s what I have for you today.
How to spend money on yourself without feeling guilty. [One Frugal Girl] — “Once you pay for your obligations, you shouldn’t feel guilty spending money. A budget helps you visualize the truth. You aren’t taking away from anyone by fulfilling your needs too.”
The problem with America’s semi-rich. [Vox] — “While this 9.9 percent drives inequality — they want to lock in their positions for themselves and their families — they’re also driven by inequality. They recognize that American society is increasingly one of have-nots, and they’re determined not to be one of them.”
Americans are more generous than Europeans — by a large margin. [New York Post] — “Liberals often love to portray America as a cartoonishly greedy nation driven by a hyperindividualistic and capitalistic nature that exhibits little concern regarding the common good or others around the world…Yet by nearly every measure Americans are more generous with their money and time than anyone — including Europeans.”
To close things out today, here’s my favorite fun video of recent weeks. It’s Jurassic Park — but with a cat!
This is so fun and so well done. It’s hilarious. And if you liked that, don’t miss Claws!
And that’s it for this edition of Apex Money! I’ll be back tomorrow with more. See you then…