Hello, friends! It’s J.D., and I’m back from two weeks in Colorado. (Okay, ten days in Colorado. I spent two days driving there from Portland, then two days driving home.) As I return to my normal routine, I’m reading lots of great money stories. Stories like these…
The origin, development, and regulation of the U.S. banking system. [The Gilder Lehrman Institution of American History A.P. U.S. history study guide] — “There were no modern banks in colonial America. Colonial Americans gave credit to each other, or relied on credit from merchants and banks in Great Britain. Money consisted of foreign coins and paper money issued by the governments of each colony. There were no American banks as late as 1781…” As a money nerd, I found this brief history of banking interesting. You may disagree. 😀
How to use apps & websites to sell your stuff locally for free. [TicTocLife] — “Even if you really don’t think your old things have any value, why not give it go and see if they’re sellable? If it’s really worthless why not donate to Goodwill to get the tax deduction or put it up on the freebies section of Craigslist? Follow me down the surprisingly simple path to learning how to get rid of your old ‘junk’ which might just have a diamond in the rough, too!” I like this one a lot!
How to go car-free. [Financial Panther] — “One thing that is worth taking away from this is to think about your own car use and how you use your car. Can most of your trips be replaced with an electric micromobility option? If you’ve never tried an e-bike or scooter before, you probably don’t understand how much distance you can cover on these vehicles.”
Lastly, here’s something fun that’s not related to money. This is a kid with perfect pitch, and in these 90 seconds he not only names notes and simple chords but also complex polychords.
As a guy who struggles to sing even a single note on-key, I find this impressive.
Okay, that’s it for today. I’ll be back tomorrow with more great stuff. See you then!