Hey hey, Apexians. Welcome to another week in the wacky world of personal finance!
I’ve mentioned before that One Frugal Girl is one of my favorite money blogs. Jewels has been sharing thoughtful, interesting articles for almost a decade now. Lately, she’s been on fire. I want to share every article she writes with you, but I’ve been exercising restraint.
Anyhow, today we’ll lead with just one of her recent articles…
“Did limiting beliefs about money make me a millionaire?” [One Frugal Girl] — “I’ve reflected on that memory many times in my life, and every time I’ve viewed it through the eyes of a child. Every time, until I watched the little girl and her father. As I watched that father struggle with the financial decision to buy his daughter a flute, I thought about the mental hurdles involved in contemplating his options. Should he disappoint his child or go into debt to pay for a flute he couldn’t afford?”
A detailed guide to a No-Buy Year. [Becoming Minimalist] — “With the new year approaching, it’s the perfect time to think about adopting a no-buy year challenge. Let me offer you the benefits of a no-buy year, the challenge rules, and necessary preparation. Plus, eight examples of people who attempted a no-spend year just to encourage you.”
Debunking worthless online security practices. [Ars Technica] — “Many security and privacy practices are things learned second- or third-hand, based on ancient tomes or stuff we’ve seen on TV—or they are the result of learning the wrong lessons from a personal experience. I call these things ‘cyber folk medicine’. And over the past few years, I’ve found myself trying to undo these habits in friends, family, and random members of the public.”
That’s it for this last Monday in November. I’ll be back tomorrow with more juicy links. Come back for a taste!