Who doesn’t want to be just a little more productive each and every day?
There’s a reason why David Allen’s 2001 book titled “Getting Things Done” remains one of the most popular books on productivity. People like getting things done. 🙂
Today’s Apex will feature one article that offers up an action based refresher on being more productive followed by two pieces that should whet your appetite for hustling in areas you probably hadn’t considered.
Let’s get into it!
How to Get More Done [The Happy Housewife] — “Just last month I was feeling pretty overwhelmed by all the to-do’s spinning around in my head. After talking to a few friends I realized I needed to sit down, make a list, and start getting things done.” This post is great if you’re struggling to get things done (or feeling like you’ve gotten anything done) – it’s a good approach that includes ideas like achieving quick wins, starting fresh, and more.
Here are two posts on fun little side hustles you can do that I haven’t heard too many people talking about:
How You Can Make Money From Hosting an Airbnb Experience [Studenomics] — I’ve been following Martin’s experiencing starting a coffee tour since Day 1 and him sharing it all in one post is great for anyone looking to host an Airbnb experience. “I finally applied to have my own experience on Airbnb. I was denied. I revised my application and got accepted on the second try. After 6 weeks of on-the-job-training, I’m convinced that this is the best side hustle out there right now. You can host any experience and try to make money from the Airbnb app.”
70+ Ways to Make Money on The Side [Budgets Are Sexy] — J at Budgets Are Sexy has long been a proponent of side hustles and this page lists all the obscure ways (75 at last count) people have been side hustling, from selling crickets online to flipping collectible sneakers. Turning coins into rings is one of my favorites.
And lastly but not leastly, for something that has nothing to do with money, here’s a fun oral history about the invention of the Super Soaker.
There’s a short video about it too.
Know someone who might want to start an Airbnb experience or recharge scooters? Or perhaps they’re a huge fan of Super Soakers? Send them this article!
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