Agentic is such a funny word. It sounds real and fictional at the same time. You’d expect to read about Agentic in Homer’s Iliad or something similar.
But it’s the adjective to mean someone who “has agency,” which itself means someone who is exerting control over their life. They are exerting control over the direction and pace of their life, which is to mean they are living it rather than simply experiencing it.
Semantics aside, if you wish to have more agency in your life, this is a great article for you:
How to Be More Agentic [Every] – “I often hear agency described as an inherent trait: Either someone has it or they don’t—and if it’s the latter, too bad. They’re doomed to a life in the minor leagues. But this hasn’t been my experience. Over the years, as I’ve aged and made smarter friends, I’ve gradually grown dumber relative to my peers. I’ve compensated by dialing up my agency, which I think of as “manifest determination to make things happen.”
The idea of finding real edges, rather than eking out wins by grinding harder than everyone else, clicked for me when I started playing poker. I missed the mid-2000s poker boom by a decade, so by the time I started playing professionally, poker had gone from being a gold rush to a game with extraordinary competition. Pros spent nearly as much time studying as they did playing, using solvers—models that calculate the best possible strategies—to seek out tiny mathematical advantages. I noticed a massive edge that was almost entirely ignored: physical reads, or tells. (I know an example would make this more compelling, but I’m sorry, it’s like explaining a magic trick.)”
The author, Cate Hall, sounds like a fascinating person too.