Today’s installment of Apex Money is a little different. Generally speaking, Jim and I don’t like to engage in promotional activity — especially not self-promotional activity. Today, we’re making an exception.
You see, I spent the past couple of years researching, writing, and recording a project with Audible and The Great Courses. It’s a ten-part, five-hour overview of financial independence and early retirement. In many ways, it’s a culmination of my life’s work.
If this appeals to you (and you’re an Audible subscriber), check it out: How to Achieve Financial Independence and Retire Early.
And since I’m promoting my own stuff, it’s only fair to promote something of Jim’s right? I know I’m biased because he’s my friend, but the dude does great work over at Wallet Hacks. For instance, I thought his recent article on buying your first home was fantastic. It’s good not only for first-time homebuyers, but for all homebuyers. (Seriously. This week, I’ve been dealing with our crummy house — the fourth one I’ve purchased in my life — and I wish I’d heeded some of Jim’s advice before buying.)
I don’t want to spend this installment solely on self-promotion, though. Let’s finish the day by promoting the work of others!
The Daily Grower is a curation site devoted to homestead and farm stories. Apex subscriber Randy Kleinman aims to gather the best info related to small-scale food production and share one article each day. I love the site, which features articles on topics like fermentation, goat behavior, and growing your own spices. I’ve added it to my news sources!
Finally, All-Star Money is the new curation site from J. Money, founder and former owner of Rockstar Finance. When Rockstar stopped publishing, Jim and I were inspired to start Apex as a way to fill the void. Well, J. Money is back. He’s collaborating with The Motley Fool to bring us three new articles every day. Yay!
And that’s it for our first-ever promotional installment of Apex Money. It’ll probably be another two years before our next episode of self-promotion haha.