Well, it’s Wednesday, money nerds. You know what that means: More stories about money!
Our first story today is from one of my favorite sites (Bitches Get Riches) and was inspired by a YouTube personality I only recently discovered (Jenny Nicholson). I may have only recently discovered Jenny, but I’ve already devoured most of her backlog. She’s hilarious. And insightful.
The classist myth of unskilled labor. [Bitches Get Riches] — “The Star Wars hotel failed because it was a creative idea built upon a business framework. The experience’s core goal was to make money by drawing a new demographic (people who love Star Wars) to Disney’s parks. They wanted to capture these people, and siphon the greatest possible percentage of their total vacation budget into the Disney machine…By contrast, Disney’s most successful ideas are business ideas built upon creative frameworks.”
How does high inflation impact retirement spending? [Of Dollars and Data] — “While we can’t control how much things will cost in the future, if you find yourself battling against inflation, there is one tool always at your disposal—how much money you spend. Unlike the retirement scenarios above, you can adjust your spending over time.”
How to take the high road. [Psyche] — “Substituting kind curiosity for the threat-driven urges to judge and react can set you up to understand the people in your life more compassionately. This can help you respond to challenging interactions in ways that fit with the person you aspire to be.”
For today’s video, we’re going to take a time machine back to the year 1960. Here’s a six-minute promotional video from Frigidaire highlighting all of their terrific appliances for modern homemakers.
This has a bit of a Brady Bunch feel to it, even though this segment was filmed nine years before that show debuted.
Okay, that’s it for today. See you all again tomorrow!