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How did Frasier afford his apartment?

It’s Tuesday, money bosses, and this is Apex Money. To start things off today, here’s a l-o-n-g but excellent article on how to become better at whatever it is you do (or want to do).

The ultimate guide to deliberate practice. [Farnam Street] — “Deliberate practice is the best technique for achieving expert performance in every field—including writing, teaching, sports, programming, music, medicine, therapy, chess, and business. But there’s much more to deliberate practice than 10,000 hours. Read this to learn how to accelerate your learning, overcome the ‘okay’ plateau, turn experience into expertise, and enhance your focus.”

How did Frasier afford his apartment? [GQ] — “How could Frasier possibly pull off that design, let alone his mortgage, on a local radio personality’s salary? Sure, the ‘90s were an economic boom time—but not even that can make up for his out-of-control sherry and opera habit. There was only one way to find out: a demented one-woman investigation about a fictional apartment on a TV show that went off the air over 15 years ago.”

Lessons from the World Happiness Report. [Physician on Fire] — “The Gallup World Poll measures happiness with a global survey of people in most nations by asking about both emotional wellbeing as well as life satisfaction…All of this data is compiled and analyzed, and cities and countries are ranked on various metrics for the current year and for a composite of the most recent three years’ worth of polling. What have we learned from all of this polling and number-crunching?”

People love the idea of 20-minute neighborhoods. Why aren’t there more of them? [The Conversation] — “Walkable neighbourhoods are an important part of 20-minute neighbourhoods, but only one part. Increased neighbourhood densities and more mixed-use development across local active transport and public transport catchments, together with better walking, cycling and local public transport opportunities, need far greater attention if 20-minute neighbourhoods are to be created in outer and middle suburbs.” [This article is Australia-centric but applicable to the U.S. and elsewhere.]

To close things out today, here’s an episode of a 1958 NBC television series (The Subject is Jazz). This 30-minute episode is all about the future of jazz. Be warned, though, that while interesting, this is very low-key academic stuff. But I’ll bet a few of you will like it just as much as I do!

And that’s it for Tuesday. I’ll see you tomorrow with more great stuff. Come back, won’t you?