If you’re in the US, I hope you’re having a relaxing day spending it with family and friends. If you aren’t, or otherwise aren’t celebrating Thanksgiving this year, the best to you and yours as most of the United States consumes what Benjamin Franklin once proposed would be our national bird!
On a scheduling note, we won’t be doing our usual curation today and tomorrow.
In lieu of this, we wanted to share some other money curation sites that we think are great and that you should consider checking out.
Collecting Wisdom, Camp F.I.R.E. Finance, and Personal Finance Blogs (dot com) are three sites that publish daily curations. If you feel like you don’t get enough, those three are great sources of wisdom and it’s fun to see the different curators’ personalities shine through. I think most people can tell the difference between JD and myself, well now you can add more voices to the mix!
See you on Monday when JD will return to his spot on the curation chair!