Hello, 2021!
I have a fantastic track record when it comes to New Year’s Resolutions – I can’t remember the last time I’ve broken one.
Before you get too impressed, it’s because I don’t set New Year’s Resolutions. 🙂
That’s not meant to be cheeky, I don’t think a resolution would work for me and so I’ve never done them. For some, they’re great and work well. It’s the start of new habits (or at least the exploration of a new habit), new behaviors, and new starts.
For others, perhaps like me, they’re less helpful. So do what works for you, that’s probably one of the keys in life!
I do, however, enjoy fresh starts and flipping the calendar over to 2021 represents a big fresh start.
The Magic of a Fresh Start [zen habits] – “When we miss a few days of meditation, or eat junk for a week because of various celebrations, or fall off from writing our book … instead of making that to mean that this whole thing is a waste of time or that we somehow suck … we can look at it as a Fresh Start.”
This next one is an interview with Financial Imagineer, who plans goals in five-year spans:
New Year Goals: From a Swiss Multi-Million Banker [2021] [The Millennial Money Woman] – “My wife and I started imagineering our lives in 5-year steps starting in 2006. The year 2021 marks the end of our third planning cycle. So far, we have had a 100% success rate.”
And this last one can help put a lot of things into perspective:
Michael J Fox: ‘Every step now is a frigging math problem, so I take it slow’ [The Guardian] – “Parkinson’s, he said, had made him quit drinking, which in turn had probably saved his marriage. Being diagnosed at the heartbreakingly young age of 29 had also knocked the ego out of his career ambitions, so he could do smaller things he was proud of – Stuart Little, the TV sitcom Spin City – as opposed to the big 90s comedies, such as Doc Hollywood, that were too often a waste of his talents.”