How do you define financial success?
A seven-figure bank balance?
Sipping a colorful drink with a tiny umbrella while your feet are touching warm white sand?
Working for yourself?
The Definition of Financial Success is Not So Obvious [Retire Before Dad] – “Financial success is the same. You and I have different goals and ways of defining financial success. But if I don’t achieve the same level of wealth or income as you, that doesn’t make me a failure. […] We tend to compare ourselves to others when it comes to career achievement and money, even though we have limited information about the financials of our peers. Comparing ourselves to others a useless exercise rooted in envy.” I’d also add that not only are our definitions different, they’re also hard to see. Personally, I’m not impressed by a large bank balance as much as I would be by what it represents – complete control of your time.
3 Lies to Keep to Yourself During a Job Interview [Paychecks & Balances] – “Millennials are twice as likely as other generations to lie on their resumes. This post is not about lying on your resume. Apparently you’ve already mastered that skill. Honesty is always the best policy; except for when it isn’t. This post is about all the other things you might as well lie about during the interview process. Protect yourself at all times!” If you’re interviewing for jobs, remember this list! (and if you’re not, still remember this list!)
The IRS Admits It Doesn’t Audit the Rich Because It’s Too Hard [GQ] – “The Internal Revenue Service is in a bind. The agency’s job is to collect the taxes that fund everything else in the government, from Social Security to the Post Office to Medicaid to the military’s endless conflicts across the globe. But the IRS is struggling: According to Vox, Americans owe a cumulative $131 billion in unpaid taxes, enough to completely fund the Department of Education for two years. The bulk of that money is owed by the wealthiest people in the country, yet the IRS isn’t attempting to collect it from them. Instead, as IRS Commissioner Charles Rettig confirmed in a letter to Congress recently, the agency literally can’t afford to audit the rich, so it’s pursuing the poor instead.” Oh nice.
Remember when the US Mint sold dollar coins for a dollar?
It was a boon for credit card churners looking to manufacture spend:
I still have a few!