Hey there, it’s Tarsha from the Plutus Foundation. The team and I dug deep into our vault and pulled these amazing articles for you read and enjoy.
Here’s what we wanted to share with you this week.
How to Create More Freedom with a Portfolio Career. [ Money Flamingo] — “Designing a portfolio career is really not much different from creating an investment portfolio. It’s a way to combine different jobs, self-employment, volunteer and freelance roles. This approach offers more control over your time, freedom to explore new options and the ability to create your perfect work-life blend.” (Submitted by J. Money.)
Reader Case Study: Can I retire at 60 and Pay for My Kids’ College? [ Frugalwoods] — “Jenny and her husband Will live in the Upper Midwest… the couple always planned for him to retire at 60 and to pay for their kids’ college educations. However, now that the date is nearing, Jenny’s not sure this is actually feasible.” (Submitted by J. Harlan.)
Embrace The Underdog Within to Win: Who You Are Is Good Enough. [Financial Samurai] — “Are you an underdog looking to succeed in this brutally competitive world? Do people ignore you, discredit you, think you’re dirt, or even hate you for just being you? Well, welcome aboard!” (Submitted by Tarsha.)
Inflation: Last Week Tonight with John Oliver (HBO). [Last Week Tonight] — “John Oliver discusses what causes inflation, what we’ve done about the current round of it, and, of course, makes the smartest investment of all time.” (Submitted by Harlan.)