This story is really sad.
French woman faces online mockery after being conned out of £700,000 by fake Brad Pitt – “The scammers were highly strategic in their approach. The impersonator sent her messages about luxurious gifts he had supposedly purchased for her. However, he claimed that his accounts were frozen due to an ongoing legal battle with his ex-wife, Angelina Jolie, and requested €9,000 to pay customs fees for the gifts.”
Sadly, the reason why these stories always seem outlandish is because scammers try so many scams on so many people. Eventually, one hits. And they need to be this ridiculous because they are trying to find the most gullible people.
99.9999999% of people would never believe they are talking to Brad Pitt. And even fewer would believe that THEY would need to send money to high flying movie star Brad Pitt. But that’s what happens.
So sad.