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Do You Need to Own International Stocks?

I’ve had a responsible mix of international and domestic stocks in my allocation.

And while the U.S. portion of my portfolio has done quite well over the last few years, the international side? Mmmmm not so much.

So I was interested to hear Nick Magguilli’s perspective (I was also surprised to discover Jack Bogle, founder of Vanguard, didn’t own any non-U.S. stocks) and explanation for his international exposure:

Do You Need to Own International Stocks? [Of Dollars and Data] – “I don’t say this to trivialize the decision of investing in international stocks. However, it’s one piece of a bigger puzzle. I’ve owned international stocks since 2012 and have underperformed relative to U.S. stocks as a result. How much has that underperformance actually impacted my life? Not at all. I’d have about 7% more wealth in total if I had owned only U.S. stocks since 2012.”