Ah, Tuesday. In January. It’s cold. It’s dark. Chaos consumes the world. But here at Apex, we have money links for you. Juicy, delicious money links. Let’s taste them, shall we?
How to teach kids about money, saving, and investing. [Refined by Fire] — In July, I heard Mr. Refined by Fire give a presentation on how he’s taught his children about money. I was impressed. His approach is smart and effective. Over the past several months, he’s been compiling his approach into a series of articles. This is the seventh of that series (and it links to previous pieces).
Keeping your medical records could save your life. [One Frugal Girl] — “If you’ve never experienced a major medical crisis, you’ve probably never thought or worried about your medical records. Before I got sick, I believed doctors quickly diagnosed patients, medical mistakes rarely happened, and medical professionals were the keepers of my medical history. Then I fell ill with a condition doctors couldn’t identify. The experience forever shattered my beliefs.”
“Why I’ve changed my mind on Bitcoin.” [Of Dollars and Data] — “Though I have changed my mind on Bitcoin, I haven’t necessarily changed my view on how one should invest in it. I believe that the only prudent way to invest in this asset class without any long-term negative repercussions is to hold no more than 2% of your portfolio in it.” [Related: what’s driving Bitcoin mania on Axios. The answer? Institutional investors, which means this time is different.]
You might have already seen today’s video. More than 25,000,000 have since it was released a couple of weeks ago! It’s a three-minute clip of the robots from Boston Dynamics dancing to “Do You Love Me” by The Contours. Wow.
Here in 2021, we have robots that can frickin’ dance, but we still have humans who refuse to get along with one another. What a world.