Well well, this week is a mess at Apex Money isn’t it? I apologize. Real Life has reared its ugly head. Here outside of Portland, Oregon, we have some highly unusual wildfires raging. So, I spent my yesterday making emergency preparations in case of natural disaster.
Fortunately, all is well so far. Kim and I are safe. My mom had been evacuated from her assisted-living facility. My brother and his family have voluntarily evacuated…and their home will apparently be okay. Winds are shifting, which will sharply reduce the advance of the fires toward populated areas.
But enough about me! Let’s talk about money. Here are some great recent links from around the web…
Stop comparing yourself to others. [One Frugal Girl] — “I’ve compared myself to others my whole life…Now, in my early forties I have a better understanding of myself and those around me. I know that life is not a race. If it were I would be heading away from the crowd of runners. We don’t all need the same things out of life. We don’t have to covet the same goals either.”
Stop comparing yourself to your past self. [Tawcan] — “Stop comparing yourself to the past self. If you keep doing that, you will never move forward in your life. Get over the past mistakes, learn from them, and make decisions based on what you know today. If you make more mistakes, rinse and repeat!”
Don’t worry about where you should be. Stay in your lane. [Humble Dollar] — “Perhaps one of the first micro-actions we can all take is removing ‘should’ from our vocabulary. It’s such a limiting construct. Playing to someone else’s scoreboard is easy, which is why a lot of people do it. The harder thing—playing our own game—begins when we turn our focus and energy toward what we’re capable of and how we can improve ourselves. Sound simple? Yes, it is—but it isn’t easy.”
Okay, that’s it for today. I’ll be back tomorrow with more good stuff! (And because I’ve been negligent about posting this week, I’ll probably be back on the weekend for an update too.)