One of the fascinating topics many people talk or write about is the transition into retirement.
You can read a million articles about the finances of retirement. How much you have to save, how to draw it down, the safe withdrawal rate, different retirement accounts, etc.
When many people retire, they leave a big part of their lives and identity – their job. They may have kids that have grown up, moved out of the house, and so leaving a job means they lose another big piece of their lives. It’s a difficult transition.
That’s why I loved reading our first article from Fritz of Retirement Manifesto – it’s good if you’re about to retire, in retirement, or just know someone about to make this transition.
5 Things You Need To Know Before You Retire [The Retirement Manifesto] – “Once you’ve retired, you realize there’s much more to a successful retirement than money. There are a lot of other risks beyond the financial ones. Risks of becoming depressed, getting bored, being lonely, and feeling lost. Focusing on these risks is a critical, and often overlooked, step in the retirement planning process.”
Keeping on the retirement theme, here’s the second shoe in the form of a post about retirement from Sundar Mohan Rao on Humble Dollar:
More Than Money [Humble Dollar] – “In the brief time I’ve been retired, I’ve quickly learned that money—despite being the centerpiece of most retirement literature—isn’t the sole answer to my retirement needs. Instead, there are many ingredients required for happiness.”
Historical U.S. Stock Market Returns Through 2023 [A Wealth of Common Sense] – “If you want consistency, the stock market is not the place for you. Or is it? Returns are certainly inconsistent over the short run. However, longer run returns are relatively consistent if you extend your time horizon.” If you learn this one lesson, you will have conquered investing.
See you tomorrow!