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Be ridiculously generous—and feel ridiculously good

I find the idea of love languages to be powerful in that it opens your mind to how different people respond to different things. If you like words of affirmation, you might think words of affirmation impact others the same way. It’s only when you learn “all” the love languages that you realize that people respond differently. It can be very eye opening and powerful.

Being generous is similar. If you think donating money to a charity is the only way to be generous, it’s hard to be generous if you don’t have space in your budget for it.

Fortunately, it’s not the only way – there are many ways. In fact, many of them do not involve money or even charities. It is about being generous to other people.

It’s very powerful.

50 ways to be ridiculously generous—and feel ridiculously good. [get it done] – “Behaving generously doesn’t necessarily mean “donating money” or “giving away your last cookie.” Those are two options, sure, but there are plenty of other ways to be generous. You can share knowledge freely, instead of hoarding it. You can send a handwritten note, instead of a text message. You can make eye contact, instead of checking out and staring down at your phone. You can introduce a friend to someone they ought to meet and help them secure a new job, client, or opportunity. You can do big things, simple things, all kinds of things. Here are 50 ways to be ridiculously generous—and feel ridiculously good.”

Amazon’s $23,698,655.93 book about flies [it is NOT junk] – “A few weeks ago a postdoc in my lab logged on to Amazon to buy the lab an extra copy of Peter Lawrence’s The Making of a Fly – a classic work in developmental biology that we – and most other Drosophila developmental biologists – consult regularly. The book, published in 1992, is out of print. But Amazon listed 17 copies for sale: 15 used from $35.54, and 2 new from $1,730,045.91 (+$3.99 shipping).” 👀 huh???

And our last one for today, a look inside credit repair companies: