I always hated job interviews. I hated them as the interviewee, I hated them as the interviewer, and it always felt like everyone was just going through the motions.
The interviewer asked some questions they thought would help them evaluate the interviewee. The interviewee gave answers they thought the interviewer wanted to hear.
The worst question, besides “what is your greatest weakness?”, is “why do you want to work here?”
The real answer is “to get paid,” but you had to give some other answer. It’s stupid.
But if you are serious about wanting to understand what motivates you, it probably comes down to three things – autonomy, mastery, and purpose.
Autonomy, Mastery, Purpose: The Science of What Motivates Us, Animated [Brain Pickings]
Psychology of wealth: if you are worth millions, why bother working? [Financial Times] – “Research that suggests the link between pay and job satisfaction is weak at best”
This Is What It Takes to Be in the 1% Around the World [Bloomberg] – “To join the group in the oil-rich United Arab Emirates requires more than $900,000, or 12 times more income than in India, a developing market so populous that the top 1% includes more than 13 million souls. In much of the developed world, an income of $200,000 to $300,000 gets you in the top 1%.”
Family Business [Truly Adventurous on Medium] – “A young man returns home from the army and gets a surprising offer from his emotionally distant father: Join the family business and help mom & pop pull off a string of daring cross-country heists. No one expects the betrayals coming.”
It’s easy to forget how many people there are in the world, let alone on a cruise ship.
But this video shows you How The World’s Largest Cruise Ship Makes 30,000 Meals Every Day!
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